얄루는 일상 생활 속 디지털 무빙 이미지의 의미와 역할에 대해 예민하게 인지하며 동시에 작가로서 고유의 언어와 세계관을 통한 몰입형 스토리텔링을 확장하는 작업을 해왔다. 프로젝션 맵핑 조형, 미디어 파사드, VR 등 다양한 장소에서의 비디오 설치와 화이트 큐브에서 거대한 창고까지 다양한 장소와 상황에 따른 대형 프로젝션 맵핑 조형시리즈물을 선보이며 비디오를 이용한 실험적인 스토리텔링을 고민하며 탐구하고 있다.

Since the recent pandemic, Yaloo spent a significant amount of time in Seoul. This experience helped her initializing Underwater Trilogy - Homo Paulinella the Lab, Pickled City, and Birthday Garden. All three chapters of the trilogy project capture a unique sense of contemporariness proper to East Asian metropolis, where centuries of time and the dramatic pulses of our planet in the Anthropocene can be accessed in a small alley.

미디어 작가 얄루는 시카고 예술 대학교(the School of the Art Institute of Chicago)에서 비디오 아트로 학사와 석사 학위를 취득했다. 이후 한국국립아시아문화전당, 미국 헤드랜드 아트센터, 일본 후쿠오카 아시안미술관, 캐나다 라반데 비디오, 캐나다 웨스턴 프론트 소사이어티, 미국 베미스 스튜디오 아트센터, 미국 버몬트 스튜디오 아트센터의 펠로우쉽 등에 선정된 바 있으며 비디오 데이터 뱅크의 린 블루멘탈 기념장학프로그램, 뉴욕 AHL 재단 시각 예술 금상을 수상한 바 있다. 캐나다 마니프 퀘벡 예술 비엔날레 (Manif d’Art), 벨기에 이미지 퍼시블 비엔날레 (Biennale de L’Image Possible)등 다양한 비엔날레를 포함 영국 최대 미디어 아트기관 팩트 리버풀(FACT Liverpool) 네덜란드 참여 등 다수의 개인 및 단체전에 참여하여 세계를 무대로 활발하게 활동하고 있다.

Yaloo earned BFA and MFA in video art from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She has been selected for fully funded international residencies such as Zer01ne and Asia Culture Center in Korea, the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in Japan, Western Front and La Bande Video in Canada, the Headlands Art Center and Bemis Studio Art Center in USA. She was also awarded a Lyn Blumenthal Memorial Scholarship by Video Data Bank and won a Gold Prize in visual arts from the AHL Foundation in New York. Last year, she was part of a duo show at FACT Liverpool, UK.

연도 Year
프로젝트 Project
미디엄 Media
위치 Location
2018, 2019
K 델리카시 K Delicacies, video diary made with fruits 2018, 2019
비디오 프로젝션 맵핑 조형 Video projection mapping sculpture
헤드랜드 아트센터, 소살리토, 미국 Headlands Center for Arts, Sausalito, USA

Work in Progress video installation documentation at Project Space, the Headlands Center for Arts

[K 델리카시]는 조선말기부터 대한제국, 일제강점기, 대한민국을 모두 거친 한 재미동포의 자서전을 소재로 만든 프로젝션 맵핑 조형 비디오 에세이다.

애니메이션 내 전문:

People were paraylzed and stupefied
We were inexperienced and so unsophisticated
I was sick at heart
No Friend No Money No Country

Lonesome journey and a cheerless homecoming
He said that I could not Americanize Korea
He came back mentally ill haunted by western ghosts!

Nationalism seems to be the common religion of all races
Korea is the land of promise for Koreans
Korean race is good race

Unity Harmony Faith

K Delicacies는 독립운동가 서재필(Philp Jasohn)의 글을 기반으로 제작되었다.
참고음악: 두번째달 쑥대머리 feat 고영열
제작후원: 헤드랜드 아트센터, 소살리토, 미국
전시촬영: Pablo Monterrubio

Incorporating printmaking, sculpture, and video installation, this project investigates concepts of translation and diaspora through iteration across media forms. Yaloo takes Dr. Philip Jaisohn’s (Soh Jaipil), 1939 article, “Korean Delicacies,” as a launching point for investigating tensions between assimilation and independence exemplified in Dr. Jaisohn’s life and work. Dr. Jaisohn, the first Korean-born person to become a naturalized American citizen in 1890, was medical doctor, publisher, and a proponent of Korean independence who dedicated his life and writings to political activism and boundary breaking. A fervent critic of Korean policies, Jaisohn established groups devoted to modernist progress in Korea and oversaw construction of the Independence Gate in Seoul, meant to inspire Korea’s political sovereignty from imperial China. Late in his career, he wrote weekly articles for The New Korea, a bilingual newspaper aimed at second generation Korean Americans."Korean Delicacies“ details Korean comfort foods, such as chestnuts, persimmons, and rice wine, presenting a nostalgic reverie of foods likely not experienced by The New Korea’s English speaking audience.

text in animation

People were paraylzed and stupefied
We were inexperienced and so unsophisticated
I was sick at heart
No Friend No Money No Country

Lonesome journey and a cheerless homecoming
He said that I could not Americanize Korea
He came back mentally ill haunted by western ghosts!

Nationalism seems to be the common religion of all races
Korea is the land of promise for Koreans
Korean race is good race

Unity Harmony Faith

K Delicacies is based on an article written by SEO Jai Pil (Philp Jaisohn)
reference music: Second Moon SSuk-daemori, Feat. YoungYul Koh
work made possible by the Headlands Center for Arts,U.S.A.
videographed by Pablo Monterrubio